Disposal of end-of-life vehicles
As a centre for Disposal of End-Of-Life Vehicles, Sucatas Pinto is licenced by ValorCar and handles the disposal of any End-Of-Life Vehicle which, because of an accident, malfunction, poor condition or any other reason, is not fit to circulate and becomes a waste product.
The company provides services such as Towing, Licence Deregistration and Disposal of Vehicle Certificates.
Private costumers need the following documents:
- Car registration document;
- Property registration title (or Number plate certificate);
- Identity Card data from the owner;
- Tax Payer Card data from the owner;
- Form 09 from the IMT (Portuguese Mobility Institute) dully signed.
Companies need the following documents:
- Car registration document;
- Property registration title (or Number plate certificate);
- Copy of the company’s tax payer card
- Form 09 from the IMT (Portuguese Mobility Institute) dully signed and certified by a lawyer/notary.